Danes bo tema malo manj "naporna". Nadimki igralcev. Evropski igralci imajo bolj enostavne nadimke, ameriški so bolj slikoviti. Domači nadimki so bolj kot ne izpeljanke iz imen ali priimkov (Primož "Breza" Brezec a.k.a Brzi ali pa Marko "Milko" Milič), ameriški nadimki pa so tisti pravi nadimki. Nekateri igralci so skoraj bolj znani pod nadimku kot pravem imenu. Kdo pozna Earvina Johnsona? Malo kdo. Magic? Sure...Magic Johnson :)
Ko sem začel spremljati košarko sem več ali manj občudoval Mozarta, Pink Panterja, Magica,... še starejši poznajo Prajo, Moko - sigurno jih je še vsaj 50 odličnih.
Pa si dajmo prebrat nekaj aktualnih in najbolj slikovitih:
Dwayne "Flash" Wade
Rafer "Skip to my Lou" Alston (legenda ameriških playgroundov)
Andrej "AK47" Kirilenko (AK47 je "službeno ime" za puško Kalašnikov)
Shawn "the Matrix" Marion
Paul "the truth" Pierce
Ben "Big Ben" Wallace
Jason "white chocolate" Williams
Gilbert "Agent 0" Arenas
Richard "RIP" Hamilton
Tracy "T-Mac" McGrady
Vince "Air Canada" Carter
Kevin "the big tickett" Garnett
Allen "The Answer" Iverson
Paul "the truth" Pierce
Pred leti so se po igriščih podili (nekateri se še vedno):
Shawn "the Reignman" Kemp
Lattrell "the Landlord" Spreewell
Stacey "plastic man" Augmon
Brent "Bones" Berry
Sam "I am" Cassell
Dale "D square" Davis
Chris "the Energizer" Gatling
Anfernee "Penny" Hardaway
Larry "Grandma" Johnson
Toni "the Croatian sensation" Kukoč
Dan "Thunder Dan" Majerle
Vernon "mad Max" Maxwell
Charles "Oak" Oakley
Sam "Big Smooth" Perkins
Scott "the butcher" Pollard
Vitaly "Ukraine Train" Potapenko
Bryant "big country" Reeves
Glen "big dog" Robinson
Damon "mighty mouse" Stoudamire
Robert "Tractor" Trailor
Nick "the quick" Van Exel
Jerome "Junk Yard Dog" Williams
Za konec pa še nekaj "top of the top" legendarnih:
Earvin "Magic" Johnson
Larry "the legend" Bird
Michael "AIR" Jordan
Shaquille "Big Diesel" O'Neal
David "the admiral" Robinson
Karl "the mailman" Malone
Gary "the glove" Payton
Charles "Sir Charles" Barkley
Dennis "the worm" Rodman
Vinnie "the microwave" Johnson
Clyde "the glide" Drexler
Hakeem "the dream" Olajuwon
Robert "the Chief" Parish
Dominique "the Human Highlight film" Wilkins
Rick "Dunkin Dutchman" Smits
Jerry "the logo" West
George "the Iceman" Gervin
Pete "Pistol" Maravich
Earl "the pearl" Monroe
Julius "dr.J" Erving
Chuck "the rifleman" Person
Izjava dneva : "Winning is about having the whole team on the same page." -- Bill Walton
Video Dneva : Amazing shots (nekaj bolj neverjetnih košev posnetih na kamero)
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